Monday 4 April 2011

RPS logo experiments.

I wanted to establish a brand identity for my "Rock Paper Scissors" Magazine project. This would then tie in with our end of year show where we have to design an A6 image to go with a little bit of info about ourselves. This was so potential employers could take home a little reminder about us and, hopefully, give us some work.
Firstly I selected a font (Cochin) as I felt it reflected the classic look that I wanted for my logo. Then Josh and myself played around with compositions in Illustrator.
Then I added in an image of a wreath which I neatened up in Illustrator. And combined my favourite compositions. As you can see the top right image and the bottom centre image are the same composition, but the bottom image is the neater of the two designed to create a sense of flowing from the top of the R down to the bottom of the S.
Finally, here we see the logo being used for the background of my card for the our end of year show "Treat Yourself." I'm quite pleased with the logo as I think it captures that vintage style that is accessible at the same time.